Design better data tables. The ingredients of a successful data… | by Andrew Coyle | Medium



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Data is useless without the ability to visualize and act on it. The success of future industries will couple advanced data collection with a better user experience.

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Zebra Stripes, Line Divisions, Free Form.

The row style helps users scan data. Reducing visual noise by removing row lines or zebra stripes works well for small datasets. Users may lose their place when parsing larger datasets. Line divisions help users keep their place. Alternating rows (aka zebra stripes) help users keep their place when scanning long horizontal datasets. Although they cause usability problems when there is a small number of rows because users may ascribe meaning to the highlighted rows. ⤴️

Consider adding callout metadata attribute for tables to optionally remove zebra stripes. Add guideline where tables under a specific number of rows should have zebra stripes removed.

Sortable Columns

Column sorting allows users to organize rows alphabetically and numerically. ⤴️

Is this possible with static site generators?