Tamriel Data:The Thrassian Campaign - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)



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On the nature of the Sload, collected from the Notes of Bendu Olo, West King of Anvil and Baron-Admiral of the All Flags Navy, and Dealer of Swift Justice to the Foul Spot of Thras.

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On the nature of the Sload, collected from the Notes of Bendu Olo, West King of Anvil and Baron-Admiral of the All Flags Navy, and Dealer of Swift Justice to the Foul Spot of Thras. ⤴️

This TR_Data book is a scathing summary of the Sload

Perfect memory. They cannot read or write, but they remember everything they see or hear. ⤴️

An interesting idea. Why write 'N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis!'? Perhaps to spread their ideas to others.