OpenGraph - Preview Social Media Share and Generate Metatags - OpenGraph



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OpenGraph is the easiest way to preview and generate open graph meta tags for any website.

This page is powered by Omnivore ‐ you can read more about how I use Omnivore here: Omnivore - Saving Articles for Citations in Obsidian.


Title Tag

The Title tag is an HTML element that specifies the title of a web page. Search engines display the title tag on the search result page.

Title tag is important for SEO and social sharing, you should use it to describe the content of the page. ⤴️

Description Tag

The Meta description is an HTML element that provides a brief summary of a web page. It is just as important as your title tag for optimizing your search presence.

Search engines will read your meta description and display it in the search results. ⤴️