Cultures of Argonia



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Notes on Tamriel Rebuilt and Project Tamriel's development of Black Marsh

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Argonians may feel the presence of the Hist in spiritual and physical ways, especially if they partake of the ritualized consumption of Hist sap that characterizes traditional Argonian “tree-worship” . However, long years away from the Marsh may dull or even deaden this connection. Most Argonian clans, though generally nomadic, establish themselves semi-permanently around a Hist tree to avoid such degradation of this important spiritual link. Even clanless city Argonians may occasionally seek out Hist trees in the interior of the country to “refresh” their feeling of connection to the Marsh ⤴️

Years spent away from the Hist dulls Argonians' senses to it; this link can be regenerated by seeking out Hist trees.