Obsidian Plugin - Supercharged Links



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Obsidian plugin to add attributes and context menu options to internal links

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Supercharged Links is an Obsidian plugin that helps you style the links in your vault based on your notes metadata, such as tags or YAML frontmatter properties. You can automatically add colors, emojis, or other styles to the links, making them more visually appealing and easier to navigate.


When your notes represent something, like a paper, a location, a person or a day in the week, Supercharged links ensures those notes stand out. Another use case might be to give notes with the #todo tag a loud color. This visual feedback helps you find the right note back quickly! ⤴️

Consider extending icons to links to important pages (e.g., 'Home', 'Guides'). Alternatively or additionally these can be given a unique colour.