Obsidian Plugin - Quickadd



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QuickAdd is a powerful combination of four tools (called choices) - templates, captures, macros, and multis.

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QuickAdd is a powerful combination of four tools (called choices): templates, captures, macros, and multis.

A Template is a definition of how to create a new note, and composes with Obsidian's own Templates core plugin or community template plugins. For example, it would allow you to define a quick action to create a new note in a particular location, with a templatized title, and templated content.

A Capture allows you to quickly add content to predefined files. For example, you could set up a quick action to add a link to the open file to your daily note under a specific section.

Macros will allow you to compound these two together into powerful chained workflows. Imagine pressing one hotkey to automatically create a new note to track a chess match with a specific template, while automatically adding a reference to it in your "list of matches" note and in your daily note. ⤴️

Extend use of templates/templater to also include automated content generation, such as creating a particular note template if creating a note in a particular folder.