Obsidian Plugin - Find Unlinked Files
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Obsidian plugin to find files which are not linked to and may be lost in your vault.
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Find orphaned files (files with no backlinks) and broken links
A Plugin for Obsidian
How does it work?
Find orphaned files
This plugin goes through your whole vault and searches for files, which are linked nowhere. In other words: Files with no backlinks.
In the end, it will create a file with a list of links to these orphaned files. Now you can either delete these unused files or link them somewhere in your vault.
Find broken links
Creates a file with a list of links, which linked file has not been created yet.
In addition, there is a command to create those linked files.
Find empty files
Creates a file with a list of empty files. Files with just frontmatter are considered empty as well. ⤴️
Use-case: Wiki maintenance