00 About Omnivore Manual Entry


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Some articles saved in Omnivore do not render correctly in Obsidian. For example, the article Abbreviations - Web Accessibility Guidance project - NZ Government contains <abbr> HTML tags surrounded by <code> </code> tags so that it does not render the abbreviation, but Omnivore is not translating this to Markdown style `code` surrounded by backticks. This causes the article highlights to render incorrectly in reading mode on Obsidian, and to break the associated web page on my digital garden.

As an alternative, I have added the #omnivore-bug label to problematic articles and in Omnivore's Obsidian plugin have added the filter -label:omnivore-bug so that those articles are not synced to Obsidian. Instead, I place the articles in this folder so I can still reference these sources within my digital garden.

Can't you just edit the article in Obsidian?

No, syncing from Omnivore to Obsidian is one-way. If I make changes to the Markdown file of a synced article in Obsidian, those changes are not updated within Omnivore. Furthermore, when using the Omnivore: Resync all articles command in Obsidian, any manual changes made to the markdown file are reverted by Omnivore.

Moving the problematic articles to a new folder and filtering them out of the sync with the omnivore-bug label allows me to safely make manual edits to the Markdown files.

What then?

The recurring issue I have found is with HTML content within <code> </code> tags on websites not being placed within `backticks` when synced to Obsidian. I can manually make the adjustments myself to place them within backticks.

It's not all Omnivore's fault

As well as articles and documents, i also save forum comments and posts, such as a useful answer in a StackOverflow discussion. Code written in these is not guaranteed to be fenced with <code> tags, as the comment author may not need to worry about the comment system trying to render the HTML (depending on the forum).

These may also need to be manually entered.

Omnivore Manual Entry articles:

Note Title Last Modified
Abbreviations - Web Accessibility Guidance project - NZ Government June 14, 2024
Embedding YouTube Videos in Obsidian Digital Garden June 12, 2024
HTML - What is the benefit to using Acronym and Abbreviation HTML Tags - Stack Overflow June 14, 2024