Omnivore Frontmatter for Obsidian & Digital Garden

Publishing Omnivore notes from Obsidian to Digital Garden Logo|right wsmall

The challenge I have encountered with publishing my notes synced from Omnivore is that if a note gets resynced, it overrides the frontmatter. Digital Garden relies on adding the frontmatter dg-publish: true to notes in order to publish them, and this gets removed during the resync. Thankfully there's a workaround – Omnivore's Obsidian plugin allows you to customise the frontmatter template for synced articles using the Mustache language, so I added the following lines to the template:

dg-publish: true
 description: "{{{description}}}"
 "og:image": ""

As well as dg-publish, I also added dg-metatags which help with SEO and populate links to the relevant page with a short description. In this case, the {{{description}}} Mustache tag tells Obsidian to use the description of the synced article from Omnivore.

My full frontmatter template is below:

id: {{{id}}}
title: >
author: >
{{#labels}} - {{{name}}}
date_saved: {{{dateSaved}}}
date_published: {{{datePublished}}}
site_name: {{siteName}}
original_url: {{{omnivoreUrl}}}
dg-publish: true
 description: "{{{description}}}"
 "og:image": ""