MMW Inline Cleanup Tags


Wikipedia uses what it calls 'inline-cleanup tags' to mark sections of text which require revision.

In appearance, these are similar to footnotes – a piece of superscript surrounded by square brackets.[1] Where they differ is that they are names, contain a hyperlink to the definition of the cleanup tag in question, and words within the square brackets are italicised.

Some common examples include:

For the Morrowind Modding Wiki, these would help to identify specific sections requiring attention.

Implementing them is thankfully possible by mixing a little be of HTML with Markdown:

HTML Superscript Tags

Obsidian-Flavored Markdown accepts the superscript HTML tag ('<sup> </sup>').

In practice, superscript reduces the font size, raises the line height and (optionally) changes the font of a string of text. Wikilinks and external links can be rendered inside the tags, and the text can also be styled with standard Markdown.[super important tag]

The Markdown, for internal and external links respectively, is formatted like so:

<sup>\[_[[name of tag]]_\]</sup>

<sup>\[_[name of tag](url)_\]</sup>

The HTML method is functional, but tedious to format. this could be alleviated by creating templates for the tags, possibly even using Templater so that the tags can be inserted around a highlighted string of text.

  1. This is a footnote ↩︎