Missing Custom Download Link Styling for MMW


The Morrowind Modding Wiki uses ![[embedded files]] to add download links inside articles. For example, the wiki article 'Tutorial - Create and ESP Replacer Patch' includes a download link to a zip file containing the ESP files to be used alongside the tutorial. In Obsidian's default theme these are styled somewhat like a download link (though not perfect - it uses a note 📄 symbol instead of a ⬇️ download symbol). However, Quartz styles these like a standard blockquote. This makes it difficult for readers to determine if this is a downloadable file or not, unless they click it.

Default Quartz Styling for Transclusions


MMW_missing-custom-download-style.jpg|wm-sm right
Quartz styles ![[embedded files]] like blockquotes

Quartz handles the styling of embedded files (termed 'transclusions' by Quartz) in different ways depending on the file extension type. This is handled by the ObsidianFlavoredMarkdown Quartz plugin (quartz/plugins/transformers/ofm.ts). Some examples include:

However, all other embedded file extension types are styled as a blockquotes, including zip files. A download link is inserted with the <data-url> HTML tag.


Zip files within blockquotes in Quartz are downloadable via the <data-url> HTML tag.


Using CSS, we should be able to add custom styling to embedded downloadable files.