KBD HTML Element in Markdown


the <kbd> </kbd> HTML element is used to denote keyboard input (such as "ctrl + alt + del"). Markdown uses backticks to define `code`, which in practice is a catch-all for <kbd>, <samp> (sample computer code output), and code HTML elements. By default, the aforementioned HTML elements are styled the same by default, but can be made to be rendered differently. Github renders <kbd> elements differently from `code`, but Obsidian does not do so by default.

See this stackoverflow answer: What are the differences between kbd, samp and code in HTML

Consider adding custom CSS for <kbd> in MMW

This would improve readability, as currently there is no distinction between code and keyboard input.

Update: 2024-05-29: kbd styling added to Morrowind Modding Wiki by commit 97e55f8


HTML is a bitch to type out -- <kbd> Generator </kbd> is a useful tool to easily format and style <kbd> though it is Mac-focused and has limited input options (only key-press input is allowed)

Github Source Code