Extracting TES3 Cells by Region in JSON with JQ

By using a VS-Code plugin like vscode-jq in combination with a JSON-formatted TES3 plugin from Tes3conv, data can be extracted and dumped to a new plugin.


This is an alternative to Tes3cmd dump, suggested by Greatness7, while I was running into issues trying to get it to dump cells by region. I could get it to dump cells with the default name "Ascadian Isles Region" (populated when an exterior cell has a region but is not explicitly named), but not explicitly named cells like Pelagiad which belonged to the aforementioned region.

Running the below JQ command extracts the cells by region from a JSON-formatted TES3 plugin:

[.[] | select(.type == "Header" or .region == "Ascadian Isles Region")]

Note: The region name can be substituted, and "Header" does not need to be included.