MMW Custom Icons

Using Custom Icons in the Morrowind Modding Wiki


Callout Lucide Icon TES3 Icon
Note Note-Callout_Lucide.png Note-Callout_MMW.jpg
Abstract Abstract-Callout_Lucide.png
Info Info-Callout_Lucide.png
Todo Todo-Callout_Lucide.png
Tip Tip-Callout_Lucide.png
Success Success-Callout_Lucide.png
Question Question-Callout_Lucide.png
Warning Warning-Callout_Lucide.png
Failure Failure-Callout_Lucide.png
Danger Danger-Callout_Lucide.png Danger-Callout_MMW.jpg
Bug Bug-Callout_Lucide.png
Example Example-Callout_Lucide.png
Quote Quote-Callout_Lucide.png

Lucide icons used for Obsidian and Quartz callouts compared against similar-looking icons from Morrowind

While tinkering with ideas for developing a visual style for the Morrowind Modding Wiki, I've been interested in the potential of using custom Morrowind-themed icons, either directly using Morrowind spell and skill icons (e.g., Note-Callout_MMW.jpg|feather-icon|16x16) or creating Morrowind-style versions of the Lucide icons used for Obsidian and Quartz callouts.

Two possible use-cases for Morrowind-themed icons:

  1. Use custom icons for callouts in place of Lucide icons.
  2. Use these as emoji prefixes for folders and notes

While the first use-case is straightforward in terms of implementation and is just a question of personal taste, the second use-case is a bit trickier as it presents both notable advantages and disadvantages for accessibility.

Can we tweak Lucide icons to match Morrowind style?

If placed over blank backgrounds of morrowind icons, we can have universally understood symbols whilst having a Morrowind aesthetic