MW May Modathon 2024 Week 1 - Jeelish-Tar's Journal

Drafting the Mage's Journal Entries:

First Prompt

Journal Entries - First Prompt:

I'd like to move onto what the contents of their scattered notes are. Let's draft what these notes contain. Please write a series of dated journal entries, written from the perspective of our Argonian mage, that outline their research and experiments, and ultimately hint at their mysterious demise.

Argonians speak with a particular cadence, somewhat poetic. You can refer to examples of their dialogue here.

Some examples I like are:

  • "Summoned by another, questions again."
  • "Ours is to ask, what does this visitor want?"
  • "Your turn to talk, ours to listen."
  • "Master was right to discipline us. We are foolish." ("We" is the Argonian referring to themselves as an individual, rather than a group)
  • "So strange this place. Far from the marsh."
  • "It looks unwell, unhealthy..." ("it" being the person they are speaking to)

Note how when referring to another person, they often refer to them as "this" or "it", and refer to themselves as "We" or "Our".

The dating convention used for the journal entries should follow the calendar of the Elder Scrolls universe (e.g., the month 'Morning Star' is the equivalent to the real-world 'January'). The events of the game 'Morrowind' begin on the 16th of Last Seed, which is the date that the legendary Nerevarine arrives in Vvardenfell by order of the Emperor. The journal entries should take place in the months leading up to this date.

Refine text, remove verbatim game quotes:

Good work. The speech patterns sound very Argonian. Remember my caveat that this is an educated individual - could you make the Argonian speech patterns just a little more subtle?

Please also refrain from quoting verbatim any of the examples of Argonian quotes I listed earlier (such as "Summoned by another, questions again."), as these were only intended as examples to teach you their speech pattern. Please remove these verbatim quotes and replace them.

Less verbose:

Again, but less verbose. Bring a bit more of the Argonian cadence back. They are not a 'prim and proper' scholar. A beautiful thing about Argonian speech patterns is how they are both poetic, but also clipped and restrained.

ChatGPT Response 9 - Journal Draft 3 Success:

Understood, let's streamline the entries while bringing back some of the clipped and poetic essence of the Argonian speech patterns:

2nd of Sun's Dawn, 3E 427

"New year, new paths. Mystical currents call us; this place whispers its secrets, far from the marsh."

15th of Sun's Dawn, 3E 427

"Deeper into fate’s fabric today. We see patterns, pieces of a larger puzzle. Does destiny strain, or do our eyes fail us?"

23rd of Sun's Dawn, 3E 427

"Guild speaks of dues, of forgotten obligations. Coins matter little when the mysteries call so loudly. We promise to mend, yet our focus remains tethered to the unseen."

3rd of First Seed, 3E 427

"Fate can be reshaped, we discovered. To observe is one, to change is another. We tread with care, drawn by the thrill of knowledge."

12th of First Seed, 3E 427

"Our records grow. Each note a step deeper into understanding, or further from our own essence. The line blurs."

25th of First Seed, 3E 427

"Today’s experiments stir reality. Time bends, consequences shift. Are we weavers of this tapestry, or merely threads?"

7th of Rain's Hand, 3E 427

"Anomalies clearer now. Our cave, once mere stone, now a nexus of possibilities. It frightens, excites us."

18th of Rain's Hand, 3E 427

"Guild words reach us again. Their understanding short of our reach. Skink-in-Tree's-Shade worries, urges return to the mundane. But we are close to something greater."

27th of Rain's Hand, 3E 427

"This morning, a vision? Reality blurred. If we vanish, let these writings light the path for those who dare follow."

12th of Second Seed, 3E 427

"At the threshold now. The paradox opens before us. A door? Or are we the door ourselves? It beckons."

15th of Second Seed, 3E 427

"If this is our last, know this: we sought understanding, not power. The paradox wraps around us. We step into it, to learn, or to be unmade. Fate is not ours to command, but to meet."

These entries aim to capture the mage's personality and communication style more authentically, balancing the poetic nature of Argonian speech with their scholarly pursuits.

Formatting as a Book in Morrowind

<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT COLOR="000000" SIZE="3" FACE="Magic Cards"><BR>
[This appears to be the journal of the Argonian mage, Jeelish-Tar, documenting their research into hidden patterns of Mysticism magic.]<BR><BR>
2nd of Sun's Dawn, 3E 427  
New year, new paths. Mystical currents call us; this place whispers its secrets, far from the marsh.
15th of Sun's Dawn, 3E 427  
Deeper into fate’s fabric today. We see patterns, pieces of a larger puzzle. Does destiny strain, or do our eyes fail us?
23rd of Sun's Dawn, 3E 427  
Guild speaks of dues, of forgotten obligations. Coins matter little when the mysteries call so loudly. We promise to mend, yet our focus remains tethered to the unseen.
3rd of First Seed, 3E 427  
Fate can be reshaped, we discovered. To observe is one, to change is another. We tread with care, drawn by the thrill of knowledge.
12th of First Seed, 3E 427  
Our records grow. Each note a step deeper into understanding, or further from our own essence. The line blurs.
25th of First Seed, 3E 427  
Today’s experiments stir reality. Time bends, consequences shift. Are we weavers of this tapestry, or merely threads?
7th of Rain's Hand, 3E 427  
Anomalies clearer now. Our cave, once mere stone, now a nexus of possibilities. It frightens, excites us.
18th of Rain's Hand, 3E 427  
Guild words reach us again. Their understanding short of our reach. Skink-in-Tree's-Shade worries, urges return to the mundane. But we are close to something greater.
27th of Rain's Hand, 3E 427
This morning, a vision? Reality blurred. If we vanish, let these writings light the path for those who dare follow.
12th of Second Seed, 3E 427  
At the threshold now. The paradox opens before us. A door? Or are we the door ourselves? It beckons.
15th of Second Seed, 3E 427  
If this is our last, know this: we sought understanding, not power. The paradox wraps around us. We step into it, to learn, or to be unmade. Fate is not ours to command, but to meet.
<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><br><br>
[The final entry is smudged with ash.]

Jeelish's letter to Skink:


"Honored marshbrother,
This land is cold to us, but we find solace here. Sheogorad is a harsh place. It has taught us much. We trace paths whispered by wise ones. This next day, I delve into currents as deep as Hist roots. If swept away, know I walked where our swamps touch the sky. Guard our marsh-kin, as the Hist watches over us.
Walk well, wet and dry.