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Far From the Marsh

A mod for Week One of the 2024 Morrowind Modathon theme, 'Mysticism and Prophecy'


~ Jeelish-Tar
18th of Rain's Hand, 3E 427

"Honored marshbrother,

This land is cold to us, but we find solace here. Sheogorad is a harsh place. It has taught us much. We trace paths whispered by wise ones. This next day, I delve into currents as deep as Hist roots. If swept away, know I walked where our swamps touch the sky. Guard our marsh-kin, as the Hist watches over us.

Walk well, wet and dry."


Far From the Marsh


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A Mages Guild member studying hidden patterns of Mysticism and prophecy has gone missing. Explore their cave retreat in Sheogorad for clues about their ultimate fate. A quest outline and initial dialogue has been written, but not yet implemented; this will be added in a future update. In the meantime, you can expect a pretty cave with the mage's journal and some environmental story-telling.

You can find their cave west of Dagon Fel. Follow the road west and then north to a river crossing – the cave entrance is on the left.

Project Notes - Contents

Project Notes

Reference Notes




Creative Process - Quest Writing:

I experimented with using ChatGPT to develop the questline for this mod. In my personal life I have worked a lot on Devised Theatre, and it's the type of creative process I am most familiar with, as opposed to scriptwriting. I have found ChatGPT to be a surprisingly capable tool for simulating the devising process: I fill the role of director and dramaturg, while ChatGPT is the devisor. I offer creative prompts and direction, and undertake research on lore and Morrowind's writing style. Once all the initial writing has been completed by ChatGPT, my intention is to then act as the story editor, tweaking and refining the material.

I found this process to be a useful way of distilling my thoughts. I have ADHD, so I tend to jump from one idea/topic to another very quickly where my interests lead me (hence why I have started four separate modding projects over the course of a year and have technically finished... none?). If I'm taking decent notes along the way, I end up with a vast pile of resources and creative ideas to draw from - the difficulty then lies in tying all those together, which can feel like a monumental task (especially when just starting out). It's quite easy to be endlessly stuck in the research phase of a project and never venture into the next step of actually creating content. With ChatGPT, I have been able to feed it all my scattered, dense notes, and it immediately provides me with clear, instantaneous output.

Working with ChatGPT as a creative 'partner' makes for a very frictionless creative relationship:

Friction is not always a bad thing in creative processes though; conflict and restrictions can be great stimuli for creativity. With that in mind, what ChatGPT lacks as a creative tool that a human does not is:

Given the AI's limitations, seeking critical feedback from other modders will remain an important step in the creative process. That being said, ChatGPT has proved to be an invaluable tool in the initial developmental stage.

Brainstorming the Concept

Week one theme - 'Mysticism and Prophecy'

Theme - 'Mysticism and Prophecy'

These are the two possible concepts I came up with for the theme:

Option One: A Missing Student of Mysticism

  • explore their home/laboratory and pick up the pieces of what happened through fragmentary notes
  • lost while trying to discern patterns from the past - in search of a prophecy?
  • Tell a story in a single room through notes and environmental worldbuilding

Option Two: The Failed Nerevarine Incarnates

  • Perhaps an exploration of the fate of one of the Failed Incarnates such as Peakstar
    • Though rumors abound regarding Peakstars fate, they fell fighting an Ash Vampire. A quest could follow someone else's attempts to find them

Ultimately I decided against the second option, as I could not come up with a convincing enough concept for the fate of any of the Failed Incarnates. The first option offered more flexibility.

Pitching the Concept to ChatGPT

Initial Brief - ChatGPT Prompt:

I would like you to draft a plot summary for a short story set in Vvardenfell in the Elder Scrolls universe. The themes of the story should be "mysticism and prophecy". A text that can be used as inspiration is the in-universe book 'Mysticism' by the in-universe author Tetronius Lor, which you can read here: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Mysticism_(book)

This short story will serve as the basis for a quest mod I am creating for the game, 'The Elder Scroll III: Morrowind'. My idea for the quest is that you explore the abandoned abode of a mage who is studying Mysticism magic. During their studies, they have mysteriously disappeared - perhaps being teleported to some obscure realm of Oblivion or other dimension, or otherwise being snapped out of existence, as a result of their magical meddling gone wrong. The quest would involve you finding and reading scattered notes or journal entries, written by the mage, throughout their abandoned abode. These notes would reveal what occurred.

The book I mentioned earlier ('Mysticism' by the in-universe author Tetronius Lor) describes that "For the beginning student of Mysticism, it is best simply to learn the patterns distinguishable in the maelstrom of centuries past. The more patterns are discovered, the clearer the remaining ones become. Until, of course, they change. For inevitably they have to. And then the journey begins anew". Perhaps they were searching for a particular 'pattern', something prophesized. "Mysticism seems to derive power from its conundrums and paradoxes"; perhaps they elucidated a paradox from the patterns of mysticism that removed them from existence.

Please summarize your ideas in bullet-points.

Plot Outline

ChatGPT Response 6 - Plot Outline Success:

Certainly, let's further develop the concept of the paradox within the context of the Elder Scrolls universe and incorporate elements reminiscent of CHIM and the disappearance of the Dwemer:

  • The missing Argonian mage, driven by his obsession with uncovering prophetic patterns within Mysticism, delves deep into the nature of fate, free will, and the fabric of reality.
  • Through his research, he becomes fixated on the idea that individuals can alter their destinies by foreseeing and actively changing the future, challenging the fundamental laws governing reality.
  • As he delves deeper into this paradox, he inadvertently disrupts the fabric of time itself, creating subtle ripples and anomalies that threaten the stability of reality in his immediate vicinity.
  • The manifestations of the paradox within his cave grotto are subtle and mysterious, hinting at the profound insights he has gleaned and the consequences of his meddling with the fabric of reality.
  • The climax of the quest occurs when the adventurer reaches the heart of the grotto, where they witness the culmination of the mage's experiments and the manifestation of the paradox itself.
  • Instead of engaging in combat, the adventurer experiences a moment of epiphany, gaining a fleeting understanding of the nature of reality and their place within it.
  • The resolution of the quest leaves the fate of the missing mage ambiguous, with hints suggesting that he may have achieved a state akin to CHIM or disappeared into the depths of the void.
  • The consequence or "reward" of completing the quest is a small insight into the enigmatic nature of the Elder Scrolls universe, leaving the adventurer with more questions than answers.

This approach maintains the tone of curiosity and intrigue while exploring the profound mysteries of the Elder Scrolls lore. The quest serves as a footnote in history, offering players a glimpse into the deeper mysteries of the universe.

Journal Entries

ChatGPT Response 9 - Journal Draft 3 Success:

Understood, let's streamline the entries while bringing back some of the clipped and poetic essence of the Argonian speech patterns:

2nd of Sun's Dawn, 3E 427

"New year, new paths. Mystical currents call us; this place whispers its secrets, far from the marsh."

15th of Sun's Dawn, 3E 427

"Deeper into fate’s fabric today. We see patterns, pieces of a larger puzzle. Does destiny strain, or do our eyes fail us?"

23rd of Sun's Dawn, 3E 427

"Guild speaks of dues, of forgotten obligations. Coins matter little when the mysteries call so loudly. We promise to mend, yet our focus remains tethered to the unseen."

3rd of First Seed, 3E 427

"Fate can be reshaped, we discovered. To observe is one, to change is another. We tread with care, drawn by the thrill of knowledge."

12th of First Seed, 3E 427

"Our records grow. Each note a step deeper into understanding, or further from our own essence. The line blurs."

25th of First Seed, 3E 427

"Today’s experiments stir reality. Time bends, consequences shift. Are we weavers of this tapestry, or merely threads?"

7th of Rain's Hand, 3E 427

"Anomalies clearer now. Our cave, once mere stone, now a nexus of possibilities. It frightens, excites us."

18th of Rain's Hand, 3E 427

"Guild words reach us again. Their understanding short of our reach. Skink-in-Tree's-Shade worries, urges return to the mundane. But we are close to something greater."

27th of Rain's Hand, 3E 427

"This morning, a vision? Reality blurred. If we vanish, let these writings light the path for those who dare follow."

12th of Second Seed, 3E 427

"At the threshold now. The paradox opens before us. A door? Or are we the door ourselves? It beckons."

15th of Second Seed, 3E 427

"If this is our last, know this: we sought understanding, not power. The paradox wraps around us. We step into it, to learn, or to be unmade. Fate is not ours to command, but to meet."

These entries aim to capture the mage's personality and communication style more authentically, balancing the poetic nature of Argonian speech with their scholarly pursuits.

  1. I say 'its' ideas because authorship and plagiarism with AI language models is a contentious subject. Despite how thorough my creative prompts and feedback are, what ChatGPT outputs might still be a facsimile of someone else's work. Therefore, the final stage of heavily editing ChatGPT's work without its input is a vital step to ensure that the final product is not unwitting plagiarism ↩︎